Thursday, August 9, 2012


Out here, we have had to face lots of spiders. Normally they're very small and inconsequential but last night's spider was different. He was bigger than the palm of my hand. And he was in the kitchen.

Karissa doesn't like spiders, so she was willing to just go to bed and hope he'd leave. However, I knew I couldn't sleep with something that big just sitting on the ceiling of the house so I grabbed the only thing I could think of - Karissa's broken umbrella.

Two jabs with the umbrella at the spider did absolutely nothing so I ditched it and found a metal rod. By this time, the spider had retreated to the floor. I swung with the "metal" rod and the spider dodged the hit so the metal rod smashed into the floor. When I checked it, the end of the rod was bent. Something tells me this wasn't really metal...

Anyway, I eventually cornered the spider behind the couch and mutilated it. Then, Karissa and I didn't want to touch the huge dead thing so we left it behind the couch. We knew the ants would get it.

At that point, I turned around and saw Karissa had videoed the whole thing... Oh dear.

I'll try getting the video off of her camera and uploading it to the blog so y'all can watch it. It's pretty funny as every time the spider moves, Karissa jumps and the camera jerks and shakes.

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