Friday, August 17, 2012

Crazy Night

A few days ago, I posted about the crazy morning we had (if you haven't read about it yet, click here). Well last night was just as crazy.

Karissa and I haven't really had a full night's rest in at least a week, possibly two, so we are both exhausted. However, because lots of women have started showing up in active labor at night, we've started spending the night at the birth center so as not to miss any births.

Well, last night was the bomb.

In the late afternoon, I caught a baby and then did postpartum checks until 9:45pm. Then I went to bed but decided since it was Friday night to watch a short movie on my iPod. Bad idea because I didn't fall asleep until 10:30.

Then at 1:30am, there was a knock on the door and Ate Grace said there was a woman fully dilated in room one. Since Karissa was next up, I was relieved to stay in bed and went back to sleep. The lady delivered a little while later and Karissa had postpartum checks until 3:45am.

Then there was more furious knocking on the door at 3:30am and Ate Bhel announced, "there's a labor!"

Since both beds in room 1 were full, this woman came into room 2. She was 5-6 cm but seemed to be progressing quickly.

Within ten minutes, another woman walked in, 3-4 cm.

Both women were in room 2 and Ate Bhel and I were monitoring both of them. Karissa was sacked out on the couch.

Everything was going just smashingly (though a little tiredly) when suddenly both moms were 10 cm and +2 to +3 station at the same time. In other words, both of them were about to have their babies right then.

Ate Bhel sent me scurrying out of the room to wake Ate Lornie and tell her we needed her. I got back into the room and caught the baby of the first lady. Then Karissa was called to assist with the birth of the second baby because Bhel and I were still busy with the second lady.

So within 12 hours, a total of four babies were born here. I've never seen all four labor beds full like that before. 

Now I'm really tired. Hopefully I can take a nap after lunch. :-D

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