Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Photo Bomb

If you are on Facebook, you can skip past this post as you've probably already seen all these pictures, but if not, these are the ones that I've been wanting to post for the last two weeks but haven't been able to. But I think I've got it figured out now. :-D

Buko (young coconut)

Beware of a lady with a machete!

one of the moms and babies whose birth I attended

one of the babies who I caught

ladies dancing with Ate Helen

buko juice :-D

one of our last pictures of Squeaky... :(

I was reading one night and Squeaky came and curled up with me.

Karissa's supposed to be pretending to give Ube a choke hold... Oh well.

gorgeous bracelet I bought the other day

Claire, Ate Dina's little girl

the set up for Jeri's birthday party

Bernadette and one of her friends playing with Ube

the baby who gave us the idea of photography out here

Jeri and her bear

scarves and belts the midwives have made...They're 300 Pesos each (about $7 USD) so if you want one, e-mail me and I'll buy one for you then write me a check and give it to my Mom.

Jorge, Shiphrah's transport driver, pretending to pick up the bag with Karissa inside it.

Nia, a sweet German girl, being obnoxious with the bear

From left: Ro-Anne, Ate Helen, and Johannah clowning around with the bear 

Jorge said he didn't want a picture with the bear, so Ate Helen picked Ube up and dropped it in his lap. :-D

Ube the Bear wearing Jorge's sunglasses. Don't ask.

Ate Helen asked me to take a picture for her of My-My and Ube

several of the midwives' kids with Ube

the train station 

the three interns before Jennifer left

These babies were born five minutes apart from each other. :-D

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