Monday, August 13, 2012


Today, Karissa and I went exploring our neighborhood. Normally, when we go somewhere, we take a left out of the birthcenter, walk down the hill, and go to the busy street below. However, today I wanted to see what lay to the right of the birth center.

Enjoy these pictures of what we saw/discovered!

the design of the guard bars outside our window

flowers right outside the apartment

this house was consumed by an electrical fire sometime before I arrived


fire ants eating fruit

I am in love with this gate! I want one! Just kidding. ;-D

The Bend in the Road

we visited a section of the neighborhood called Creek Side. Their houses are literally right there on the creek so they're the first effected when it floods

I have no idea what these flowers are called, but they're amazing!

Don't ask. It looked cool.

Rain drops

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