Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sticky Subject...

Ok, you can mostly disregard the title. I was just messing with you. ;-D But this post does have to deal with sticking someone.

Today, Jeri popped her head into the birth room where Karissa and I were and said, "Kari (who runs the blood work during prenatals) is willing to teach you both how to do blood work, if you're interested."

Ate Bhel, who was the midwife for the birth nodded to us, "Yah, you two have time."

The first part of blood work is drawing the blood. Karissa went first to draw mine. She stuck my finger but wasn't able to get much blood. So she stuck the finger next to it. And still wasn't able to get much blood. Kari was watching and had me switch hands for which one to poke. Then she grabbed the needle-thing and stuck me again. I was poked 3 times! Thankfully, the 3rd one gave enough blood after some coaxing and pinching. (My fingers are still sore...)

Then it was my turn *evil grin*. It took me a couple minutes to figure out what I was supposed to do, having only watched it be done before, but I eventually poked Karissa. I was planning on poking her twice but was able to get enough blood the first time.

Karissa knew I was planning on poking her twice so she said, "Well, you can pinch my finger as much as you need to get the blood, but don't poke me again. I think it hurts you less since you didn't react when I poked you."


Jennifer was taking pictures of the ordeal and I posted the pics on Picasa. You can see them here (click on the picture):

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