Friday, July 20, 2012

Cuteness overload

Hi everyone!

Yesterday was My-My day. :-D In other words, I got to take a ton of really cute pictures of her. She is the cutest baby in the PI. :-D

Also, I caught another baby yesterday. So far, I've attended 10-12 births since getting here (sorry, I need to check my notebook to figure out the exact amount...) and have caught (or at least, helped to catch) 5-7 of them (once again, I need to check the notebook...). I absolutely *love* catching babies and am so excited to complete my midwifery training (in several years) so I can do this for (hopefully) a really long time. :-D

It looks like the births are finally starting to pick up. When I showed up, Shiphrah was at its all-time low with only 1-2 births a week. However, there has been at least 1 birth a day. Today, for instance, there have been 3 births (possibly more...I only know of the 3) and there is one more woman in labor.

At the birth I charted at this morning, a few minutes after the baby was born, the midwife, Ate Lornie, handed the little girl to me and said, "Hold it for us while we work on the mom." So I was sitting there holding the newborn and continuing to chart.

After a minute or so, Ate Bhel (who is an *amazing* midwife - I absolutely love her!) peeked into the room quickly and started laughing. I looked up. "Oh, Danielle! For a minute I thought you were breastfeeding that baby! Hee hee hee!" Ate Bhel loves to laugh, which is one of the things I love about her. The other night when I was returning from the apartment to Shiphrah, she and several of the other midwives and their husbands were sitting outside, enjoying the cooler weather. As I approached, one of the husbands (I think he's Ate Grace's) asked, "Danielle, how tall are you?"

I replied, "six foot one."

Instantly Ate Bhel and Ate Grace were on their feet, screaming and giggling, "I told you so!" They were so funny to watch! I love them all.

Another funny Ate Bhel story I have is the other day when I was wearing a really long skirt because it was the only clean thing I had (yes, I'm terrible at laundry... :-S) and Ate Bhel started laughing. "You know, if I were wearing that, it would be a dress! And yet you're wearing it as a skirt!"

Yes, I love these ladies. :-D

Ok, as the title promised, here are some adorable pics of My-My!

Jorge, Shiphrah's chauffer, playing with My-My

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