Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Occupant at Shiphrah

Yesterday, Ate Beth, Shiphrah's housekeeper, found a kitten who kept wanting to come inside and get attention. Fed up with the unwelcome visitor, she took him outside a little ways and let him go. Just then, I walked up and heard the word, "kitten." So of course I went to see it. And it was adorable. And it was small. And it wanted attention.

So I picked it up. And it was happy. And I was left wondering, "now what do I do with it?" I took it to the apartment to show Karissa and we played with it and fed it on the kitchen floor. It fell asleep on me. *sigh* It was so cute!

Anyway, we brought it to Shiphrah and Ate Helen fed it rice and fish. It is obviously a Filipino cat since it preferred the rice to the bread Karissa and I fed it. :-D

After that, the kitten decided it liked it here. So he's set up residence in the birth home. He's so adorable! :-D

This morning, when I walked in, Jennifer was playing with him. We decided to call him Shasta, after the person in Lewis' Horse and his Boy. However, the name didn't really seem to fit him. So this afternoon, I renamed him: Squeaky, a perfect description of his mew. We're guessing he's about 6-8 weeks old.

Here's some pics I've taken of our newest occupant:

Hi there! Will you please pick me up?! 

1 comment:

  1. It's been a busy week and I'm just getting caught up! Seems like you've gotten your quota of kitty hugs this week ;) Glad you got to catch that baby and bathe him...sooooo sweet! Hugs and prayers,

    Mrs. Fuller
