Monday, July 30, 2012

Angel in my Arms

As an update to my earlier post:

Deborah brought little Jen (Agnes' little boy) back over to Shiphrah since she needed to go somewhere. So now I've got him. His newborn exam isn't until 8 or 9pm so I've got him until at least then. Then I either need to take him to the orphanage (TLC) or keep him for the night.

What do I do?

There's no way I can bring him to the orphanage and leave him over there especially since there's already two newborns and lots of babies over there. He's just a few hours old and needs lots of love and attention!

But at the same time, I don't really know how to care all night for a newborn. Would I wake up when he cries? Would I remember when to feed him and change his diaper?

So I don't know what to do.

Knowing me, I'll probably keep him for the night. But I'm not sure.

Please pray for this little guy and for his Mommy who is grieving for him.

Anyway, he's snuggled in my arms fast asleep. Hopefully I can figure out this picture situation soon so y'all can see him.

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