Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Operation Squeaky

Tuesday morning, Squeaky went missing. During prenatals, there have been several bad experiences of people kicking or throwing him for no reason so we decided to have him hang around outside the apartment. When prenatals were over, we went to bring him back over to Shiphrah. Except we couldn't find him.

All day long we kept an eye out for him but he never showed up. We started getting worried. Did someone steal him? Was he killed? What happened? Where is he?

Then, just as we were about to leave for Jeri's for dinner, Karissa texted me: "We may have found the kitten." I raced over, wondering what that meant. My mind instantly assumed the worst since her text was neither positive or negative. I was expecting to find a clump of white fur.

However, Karissa pointed to a high wall behind the apartment and said, "He's behind this wall. Listen. Do you hear him?"

Yes, Squeaky was indeed behind the wall. He kept mewing and crying for us to get him. Try as we might, we were unable to rescue him over the wall. I was starting to get worried that maybe we wouldn't be able to rescue our sweet kitten.

Then we called Ping, the landlord. He told us we could get Squeaky by going down the street and into the Methodist garden and coming to the wall that way. So that's what we did. And Squeaky was *so* overjoyed to see us.

Now we're wondering how he got over there. Ate Beth, who cleans our apartment, believes someone from the baby home tossed him over the wall. Poor Squeaky.

Operation Squeaky: Mission Successful! :-D

me and a nursing student who was working here yesterday. She actually lives in Los Angeles but came to the PI for nursing school...I'm not sure why. America has much better nursing schools...

isn't this little girl's hair adorable?!

some funky fruit I saw at the supermarket. The midwives said they think it's called Dragon Apple.

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