Saturday, July 7, 2012

Birth! :-D

WARNING: you might just want to skim part of this post if you are the squeamish type around body parts and birth. However, if you really don't care or want to read about it, you may proceed. :-D

So this afternoon while I was studying, a laboring woman walked into Shiphrah at 9cm. Karissa and I were up next, especially since Jennifer was at the mall, so we went into the birth room with her. Since I was the one assisting, Ate Larnie asked if I wanted to do the vaginal exam to check for dilation.

I gulped. Um...No? I've never done one before...

However, once the woman was situated on the birth stool, Ate Larnie gave me some sterile gloves and said, "stick your fingers in, you'll feel the head."

*Gulp* Yikes!

So I did. And I felt the head. And I was amazed at what it felt like.

Over the next hour, we sat and watched and felt the baby's head come closer and closer to the opening. The mom was strong and worked really hard.

As the head was finally starting to show, I was able to do something I've always wanted to do: reach out and touch the baby's hair as it is crowning (I think I've wanted to do that since the first birth I attended almost 2 years ago). Then, Ate Larnie showed me where to put my hands to slow the baby's head so as to protect the mother's perineum. It was amazing feeling that little soft head gradually be pushed into my hands. Its cheeks were so chubby as its face sat smushed as if there were a turtleneck around its chin! :-D

Then Ate Larnie took the head and pulled down and out to free the shoulders and the baby slid free.

It would have been totally beautiful, except I had been crouched on my knees in a hot room for the last 10-20 minutes. The last time I did that, I passed out. After the baby was out, I stood up since I felt like I was passing out. Then, in the flutter of activity after a birth, I quickly excused myself from the room. I made it into the study area before starting to black out in a chair. Thankfully, Jennifer had shown up by that point and she saw me and got me some water. I don't think I actually passed out, but it was close.

The whole time I was blacking out, I was thinking, "how do I explain to Ate Larnie that I'm not passing out because of the birth?!"

Anyway, they understood.

And in case you're wondering, I'm feeling better. :-D

And here's some pictures taken from today. Enjoy!

Karissa took this picture of me teaching Johannah how to crochet 

right inside Shiphrah 
outside Shiphrah 
outside our apartment 
please leave your shoes outside the door as we are now entering the apartment. :-D

inside the apartment. 

the room Karissa and I share 

outside Shiphrah, where prenatal classes are taught

the man on the far right saw me standing with a camera and suddenly shouted to the kids, "picture!"

random dog resting in the prenatal teaching area

adorable little girl playing outside



Karissa; people have asked her if she's a Catholic nun or Amish. The answer: neither. But it is kind of funny watching people's reactions to her. She's super respected out here. :-D

inside a birth room

popular mode of transportation out here

laundry hanging to "dry". Wet things take FOREVER to dry out here!

My little friend Johannah (on the left) and one of her friends

1 comment:

  1. WOW! These pictures are so amazing! Please take many more! =D Love looking at them... it's kinda hard for me to believe that you're over there! XD

    - hannah

    P.S. Say hello to Korea for me if you fly by. ^_^
