Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Photo Bomb

Today was a really crazy, fun day. :-D I'll upload a ton of pictures and explain what's going on in each one to give you an idea of what I've been doing all day...

the face and hair say it all...LOL... ;-D

I did a quick photo shoot with this little guy. He's adorable! :-D

mom and baby

Ryle and Ate Grace

Johannah getting her hair put up

today Ate Helen showed us how to make some sort of Filipino food which has coconut, boiled banana, sugar, and margerine. However, it isn't really sweet. But it was SO good. Sometimes Filipinos will eat this instead of rice. While everyone tried a hand at it, there was a lot of laughing and picture taking. It was a lot of fun. :-D

this is what it looks like. You pack it into the yellow lid then pop it out so it keeps its shape

Aviva trying her hand at making some

pretty Johannah

Ate Beth is a really funny lady. I love to goof off with her. :-D

Sky trying her hand at it

Ate Grace, Ate Helen, and Ate Beth 
Ate Bhel and Sky


the wonderfully amazing Ate Helen

Ate Lornie

Johannah demonstrating how to eat the coconut cakes the Filipino way

mother and daughter

Sky eating one


coconut banana cakes

Ryle decided to help Abby with her turn

what are they laughing about?

some men are working behind the birth center clearing away the wall...I'm not sure why...

"my" puppy, Mr. Humble Pie

Mariel with her little boy. He smiles so big and is absolutely adorable! :-D

My parents have a classmate from the Coast Guard Academy who is now in Manila. When he heard I was here, he sent my parents his cell number and had them pass it along to me. I got sick the day I got the phone number so I decided to wait until I was feeling better to contact him. Then I forgot. Yesterday, I texted him and he called me back within 30 seconds and we decided he and his family would come out to Shiphrah so I could meet him and his family. They are so sweet and tomorrow are taking me to the American Cemetery.  

aren't they a lovely family?

Ate Beth got exhausted during her turn

Ate Bhel and Mariel

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