Saturday, October 13, 2012

Photo Bomb part...oh never mind

So my laptop is (kind of) working and I'm hoping it will not die on me again. But I'm uploading a ton of pictures from the past several weeks since the laptop died. I'll explain what's going on with each pic.
me and little Dan, who was named after me :-D he's an adorable sweet heart

me, a new family, and Anne, a Filipino midwifery intern who came and stayed at Shiphrah for a week. She is an awesome midwife and I am blessed to have met her. :-D

this is Kuya Efron, Lyds' husband, behind me being silly. He's a nut and is a lot of fun to hang out with

When Anne was staying with us, she told me about how her daughter loved to read and how it was the girl's birthday the next week. Anyway, I had this one book which I had already read and it wasn't the best book in the world but it was decent enough so I gave it to her daughter. Anne was so thrilled she took this picture. :-D

the new intern, Sky, took this picture inside a jeepney

sorry this isn't in the correct order, but Anne had me inscribe the book for her daughter. It was fun. :-D

me, the family from the first picture, and Clyde, a midwifery intern who came with Anne. She was an amazing young woman too. :-D

Clyde, me, Anne, and Ate Lyds

I can't say enough how sweet Anne is

Renlyds, Mariel, and Maybel playing on the roof of the house

aren't they adorable?!

my friend donated this blanket to Shiphrah and it was given out at graduation. I was so excited to see it being used! :-D

this is a picture of what I looked like with the scarlet fever / hand foot mouth disease, or whatever it was. It actually got worse than this but I was too discouraged by how I looked to take another picture. But at one point I looked much worse... My face and neck were absolutely COVERED in the red blisters and they itched and hurt like the dickens. I wouldn't even wish this disease on my enemies.

little girl who I caught came back at one month old to get her ears pierced. Isn't she adorable?

Daddy marks his daughter's ears to show where they should get pierced

Ate Grace with the ear piercing gun. The baby is thinking, "HELP!" she was more upset about having to hold her head still than having an earring shoot through her ear

all done

the lovely Roanne

rambutan, a delicious fruit. You peel the red poky outside off and the inside is really sweet. It's delicious. Kuya Jun was selling it for 40 pesos per kilo. That's $1 USD for 2.2 lb 
my little friend, Mr. Humble Pie

new baby :-D

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