Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Davao - a post in pictures

Here are pictures from my vacation to Davao. It was really peaceful and I had a ton of fun staying with the Bartels and their very energetic four kids. Their youngest, Katherine, is Joy Anna's age (younger by three days) and liked me immediately. In fact, she came into my room at 5am my first morning there, and was excited to clamber onto the bed and play with me, before I eagerly ushered her out. She was a definite hoot!

I really enjoyed my stay there and wish I didn't have to wait several more years to see them again. :-(

Enjoy the (tons of) pictures I took!

it's fun getting your picture taken with a half-naked statue at Crocodile Park! :-D

it was great getting to see Karissa again! - Sorry, I have no idea why the picture won't get any larger...

once again, getting my picture taken at a tourist spot

...I hate snakes...

Ryan and Grace demonstrate the proper way to ride a fake elephant

the monkeys stared at us as if we were the exhibit, not them!

Ryan was proud of the butterfly which landed on his shirt

this old man was designing beautiful beaded jewelry

a native house 

when we went to Paradise Island, Katherine wasn't too sure of the sand...

the ocean is beautiful in Davao!

mother and daughter


Katherine decided she loved the beach - she'd go in and sit down and play. She was also very popular on the island - a Korean family fell in love with her and played with her while a Filipino family let her sip out of their drinks - much to Mrs. Bartel's chagrin... 

these two buried themselves in the sand then took a nap


"Look! I'm a mummy!"

I ordered a durian frappe, expecting them to make it as a durian shake but they added coffee to it. I didn't like it so much ...

...but Katherine loved it! She drank over half of it for me... I stole it back to drink the whipped cream, though!

the tall building on the island is Marco Polo hotel, where Dad and I stayed when we were in Davao, four months ago


this building looks like the Capital, from the Hunger Games

this boat was our transportation to and from the island

Maggie being silly :-D

the Bartel kids, looking so perfect really!

my little buddy!

Maggie and Winston

the Bartels family - I offered to take a family photo for their next prayer card so they all piled on one motorcycle for fun :)

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