Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Real Update...

You've probably noticed that I haven't had a "real" update in a while. There has been a reason for that. I have been under incredible stress and relationship issues. There is an intern here who I have a hard time trying to get along with and I feel as if she and I have been at each other's throats constantly. Well, it's actually been more of her at my throat while I try to figure out what I did wrong...again... (Note: I have not been completely faultless, but most of the time, I'm wondering what I did wrong again.) It's been very hard. However, God has been using it for good (at least, I hope it is for good!). Because I have been dealing with this every day, I haven't had much energy to write much. Please pray that our issues will be resolved soon. If they don't resolve (which is a good possibility) she leaves in 10 more days (yes, I've been counting) and I leave in 15 (I've been counting that one too) and we don't have to see each other again.

The other reason is that my laptop has been dead off and on. Thankfully it is working right now, but it's a pain to type on an iPod so the blog has been silent.

There are two new interns and so the amount of births each of us attend has slowed down. I hope to attend at least a few more before I go! :-D

My vacation was amazing! I was sad when it ended. I went to Singapore for 5 days and walked constantly. It was wonderful getting to meet a fellow Swineherd (inside joke from the online class we took together) and her family. I was shocked by how different Singapore was from Manila - for instance, no one smiles. No one. Well, the Americans do, if they're fairly new to the area. But other than that, no one smiles at strangers. It was really weird. Even if they were staring at you and you caught them, they wouldn't smile and sometimes wouldn't look away. Unnerving.

After that I went to Davao for 5 days. That trip was really relaxing and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved getting to stay with the Bartel family and playing with their kids. Then I visited Karissa and observed the night shift at Mercy. There were a grand total of 8 births during the shift. It was crazy! :-D

Ok, I need to go now. We are having a going away party for Karissa and I (since we both leave in the next two weeks) with cake and pancit. It supposedly starts in a few minutes and the midwives, knowing that, are starting to complain about being hungry. LOL. :-D

It's great to be back at Shiphrah and I also can't wait to return to the States in 2 more weeks! :-D

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