Tuesday, December 11, 2012

...So What's Next?

I've now been home for several weeks and have been asked by many people "so what's next?"

That's a really good question.

Teenagers have always told me how much they hated the "what's next" question and I never understood their dread of it until now. I have always had a plan and a goal and knew exactly what I was going to do, but God used the Philippines to show me that's not His plan for me. Having to tell people I don't have a defined answer and time goal really bugs me, but there's not too much I can do about it...

In January, I'm going to take an EMT training course at UNC. It will be every Monday and Wednesday night until April when I will be qualified to take the NC EMT licensing exam and (hopefully) start working on an ambulance. Lord willing, that will enable me to pay my way through college.

College... I never ever wanted to go to college... Now I'm visiting at least four different options. Ugh. I wish there was a way I could just go and take the courses I need for my degree (Bachelor's of Science in Nursing) and be done. But it doesn't work that way. I have to complete prerequisites too (Ugh...).

Currently, my number one choice of schools is Liberty University. I visited them last Wednesday and really liked their atmosphere, attitude, and approach to nursing. (I also really liked that they had a free equestrian center where if you're a Liberty student, you can just show up and borrow a horse, but that's another story...)

What I will probably end up doing (because it's the most economical and will allow me to continue working as an EMT, photographer, and doula) is going to Wake Tech Community College and getting their Associates in Nursing then transferring to Liberty Online's RN to BSN program.

Once I have my BSN, I have to work for a year in the hospital before I can go to a midwifery program to eventually get my CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife). I am also debating becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner at the same time, but we'll see what God would have me do.

So anyway, that's the scoop. I'm just praying God will make it very clear about what He wants me to do so that I don't have to sit here thinking, "I really like this university...and this one...and this one looks good too..." Hopefully sometime I'll be able to post again with more definite plans, but I've learned that it's more about the journey than the destination.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


For those who don't know, balut is duck embryo, a delicacy in the Philippines. So of course us Shiphrah interns just *had* to try it. If you forget what it is and ignore the fact that it's crunchy, it tastes just like a hard boiled egg.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gustafson Family

The Gustafsons help run both Shiphrah Birthing Home and the Little Children's Home. I offered to take their family photos and we set a date to do it. Then one of their kids was sick. So we set it for the next week. But a different kid was sick. So we set it for a few days later. Guess what? Now I was at a birth...

This happened over the course of several weeks until finally it was my very last week in the Philippines so I said, "We need to do this now!" Deborah said we could try for right after prenatals, so the moment prenatals were finished on Tuesday, I raced over to their house with my camera and we did their photos. That was the fastest I have ever processed photos afterward and they had their copy of the photos that night. It was a whirlwind of craziness! But it was fun. :-D

Here are (just a few) of my favorite photos from the shoot. Enjoy! (Also, if you want to schedule a photo shoot with me, please contact me! I'm  looking to expand my doula and photography business. For more information: http://risingdawnservices.weebly.com/)

Oh - one more thing - I just looked at the photos after Blogger posted them and Blogger puts some sort of distort on them so they are grainy and fuzzy...Not sure why/how that happened, but the photos are much nicer than Blogger shows! Sorry about that!

Monday, November 19, 2012


I am home!

My flight left Manila at 6:30am Thursday morning, so I was supposed to leave Shiphrah at 2:30am to be at the airport by 3:30am. The person supposed to drive me to the airport accidentally set their alarm to 3:30am so at 3:00 I was starting to wonder where in the world they were, knowing we were supposed to have left a half hour before. Racing over to his house, I discovered that he had *just* woken up so we went racing out of the house and to Shiphrah to grab my bags and race to the airport. Thankfully, I had just enough time to wake up Ate Dina (she had asked that I do it) and give her a hug goodbye.

At the airport, I had the fun job of dragging my two suitcases behind me through the long check-in line. I was scared one of my bags might be overweight, but thankfully it was just under. Things went smashingly and I finally got to sit at my gate and wait for the plane.

The woman next to me began to chat and asked me why I was in Manila. I told her briefly about Shiphrah. Her comment was, "So you are able to do cesareans for emergencies?" I explained that we don't do cesareans but transport if there are any problems. "But what about emergencies?" she persisted. Rarely are there emergencies where it's an instant life-and-death situation so birth centers (and homebirths!) are just fine.

Then, the woman proceeded to tell me her birth story. I guess back when she had her daughter (twenty years ago), she made it to fully and then the doctor told her she needed to have a cesarean because the baby wasn't coming down and she wasn't pushing properly. Then after the baby was born, he told her she needed the cesarean because the baby had the cord wrapped around her neck. I don't know the real circumstances of the birth, but a cord wrapped around a baby's neck is really normal. My last three catches (and plenty more before that) all had one coil around their neck and they were all ok. Anyway, I thought it interesting that here I was talking with a perfect stranger and after hearing I'm a midwifery student, she proceeded to tell me all the details of her birth. It's amazing the stories you hear just by telling people you're a midwife. :-D

The flight to Hong Kong was uneventful and I watched "Dogs in the City," a dog training TV show, all the way (and got plenty of good ideas to implement with my dogs! Watch out, Troy and Staal - your time is coming!). However, I had a very tight layover - one hour from when I was supposed to land in Hong Kong until when I took off for JFK. I was pretty nervous and started to prepare myself to miss the plane, all the while praying that I would make it.

After landing (ten minutes late), I waited in line to get off the plane and headed to security (yes, even if you don't leave the airport, you have to go through security again...). The line was fairly long and took me about 20 minutes to get through. Then, I ran through the airport, following signs to gate 4. It turns out gate 4 was on the complete other side of the airport so I finally arrived panting at the gate at the time my ticket said was the absolute latest I could board. A very long line stretched from the gate so I verified I was supposed to be in the line and stood for about 15 minutes until I hit *another* security (where they actually unpack your carry-on, inspect everything, and repack your bag) and *finally* boarded the airplane.

I was one of the last few people to board as soon after I was seated, we took off. All I could think was "Thank You, Jesus! Woohoo! I'm off to America! I made the plane! Thank You, Lord!"

My seat was in the very middle of the plane (middle seat, middle row), so I wasn't overly excited about being sandwiched again (it was like that the flight over). However, I sat down and resigned myself. A stewardess looked at me and asked if I was traveling alone. "Yes, I am." "Well, the daughter of the lady next to you wants to ride next to her mom. She's in the window seat over there. Would you be willing to switch with her?"

Would I?! Of course!!!!

They apologized profusely to making me switch seats but I was thrilled. I got a window seat! Thank You, Jesus! :-D

When I flew Chicago to Manila, I remember thinking the plane ride was very long and uncomfortable and tiring so I was expecting this flight to be the same way. However, I was fairly comfortable and was able to rest, relax, watch movies, and sleep. It was wonderful.

I landed in New York and was so excited to be back on American soil and breathe clean air and feel cold. After wading my way through customs, I stepped into the airport feeling exuberant and free. One of my friends is a flight attendant and she flew to JFK to meet me. I quickly found her and we had a wonderful time catching up on the last five months. It was so refreshing to talk with a friend from home.

Finally, after 20 something hours of traveling, I boarded the flight to North Carolina. I was *so* excited and couldn't believe my five months were completely over! My friend would probably tell you I was giddy. I was crazy. So excited.

Once I was back in Raleigh, I did my best to fly through the airport until I saw my family. Everyone was standing there with Welcome Home signs (which I specifically told them NOT to do) and big hugs. It was so wonderful getting to see my family again and give them all hugs and kisses. I was so happy to be home.

The only downside was I lost my luggage along the way. But it was delivered at midnight when it finally arrived in Raleigh (I think it didn't make the connection from Hong Kong to JFK).

But I was home! (And I still am home!)

One funny thing is that Promise, my sister known for her talkativeness, hasn't been quiet around me since I saw her at the airport. I kinda forgot how much she talks...

Anyway... :-D Pictures will come later, once I download them off my camera.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

More Pictures!

This little lady was born via cesarean section because she was legitimately too big to be born vaginally (and trust me, we tried everything to get this kid to come down and out!) - she was a whopping 10lb!

the mother texted me after the baby was born and asked if I'd be the kiddo's godmother. How sweet!

me with Jennifer (the mom) and her baby

isn't this little dude adorable?! He's Jennifer's son

your daily dose of Mimi!

I saw Lloyd and his family again and of course had to take a picture of little David. Isn't he precious?

Lloyd with David

I went to church with Lloyd and his family and afterward he introduced me to everyone he knew. In this picture is a Filipino military commander (don't remember the rank...), a young soldier about to be deployed as a peacekeeper in Israel,  Lloyd, and the pastor.

balut! Balut is duck embryo which has been hardboiled and is considered a delicacy. It tastes like a regular hardboiled egg, but it's crunchy! We made a video of us interns trying it which I'll try to upload later. :-D

this is my fiftieth catch here at Shiphrah

getting dried off

isn't he adorable?

me and Mariel

the "gang" - we were goofing off tonight and ended up taking this picture. It was fun. :-D

Friday, November 9, 2012

Exciting day

I got my ears pierced today! My mom had been very adamant that I shouldn't get my ears pierced it I showed her that there is nothing wrong with ear piercings in the Bible so she finally agreed this morning.

When the other interns and midwives heard, they were all excited and said I should get them pierced at once. The midwives pierce ears and offered to do mine. I agreed. Originally I planned to have Ate Grace do it since I know she's experienced with the ear piercing gun but she wasn't here during the day. So Ate Dina pierced my ears.

Getting ones ears pierced is a pretty social affair when it is just a newborn getting them pierced as everyone crowds around to watch. However, being one of the interns made it even more exciting. Everyone stood around talking and laughing and saying I was finally a woman. Haha. Abby said everyone was as thrilled as if I was having a baby there. Lol.

Mom had told me it would hurt really bad so I cringed and expected it to hurt really bad. I sat rigidly when Dina pulled the trigger but it didn't hurt. "that was it?!" I asked.

Yup. That was it.

So now I can finally start to wear some of the earrings I have wanted to wear. But for the next 6 weeks I have to wear the piercing earrings.

I'm glad to have finally gotten my ears pierced. :) It was a fun experience and a fun way to remember the Philippines and midwives. :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I guess that's why it's called *growing* up...

Lately, I've really become aware of my (very many) mistakes. It's not even funny how often I have messed up lately.

Because I've been "on my own" and not had mom right behind me every step of the way to keep me in line, I've really had to learn to take responsibility for myself and my actions. I have no one to blame them on but me.

I've been feeling really down about it these last 2-3 weeks and today God gave me a revelation.

I am not perfect.

I will make mistakes every day until I die. I will make a fool of myself every stinkin' day until I die. I will have regrets for every day of my life. But you know what? Jesus died for me. For me! There's a reason I needed to be saved - because I need serious help. Seriously. Every single day. Because He died to save me and forgive my sins and mistakes, I am allowed to learn from them and move on. I still need to confess them to Jesus and ask His forgiveness but then He doesn't want me to dwell on how badly I messed up. He wants me to press onward and learn the lessons He has for me each and every day of my life. Someday I'll be perfect and not make any more mistakes - that will be when I die and I hope I'm not there just yet...

But anyway, as I was doing my daily devotions and whining to God that I'm tired of making mistakes and asking Him to help me be more Christ-like, I read psalm 94:19 "when the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul." I felt like God was saying, "relax, girl. You are going to do this every day of your life. Feel sorry for your mistake, learn from it, and move on! You already asked my forgiveness and I forgave you so I don't even think about what you did wrong. Just move on and grow." it was very refreshing.

One funny thing about this: I was writing this in my journal (well, not this exactly but very similar) and I looked over the page when I had finished and realized I spelled "mistakes" wrong ever single time without realizing it. Each time I wrote "mistakes," it came out as "miskakes." Lol. Oh well. Live and learn. :-)

Wrapping up

Well I have one week left. It's hard to believe 5 months can go by so fast but here I am thinking about being in an airplane next week. Life goes fast.

I have been back at shiphrah for 9 days and haven't caught a baby in that time. The only births have been continuities for other ladies. I am hoping for at least one more catch so I can go out with 50 catches (yes you read that right - 50!)

Last night I went to church with a friend and found out on Wednesday nights, his church has "baptists got talent." and they truly did. It was amazing watching several teams compete against each other and they were all really good. My favorite didn't win though. :( oh well.

I found out his church has a deaf ministry and I enjoyed watching an interpreter signing again. Although this is the Philippines, I was shocked by how similar te signing was to American sign language. When we sang hymns, I signed the songs while I sang (I have been doing that since I was ten). Te deaf community noticed and the moment church was over several young people came racing over and began excitedly signing to me "hi what's your name?"

I replied but felt clumsy since my fingers aren't used to finger spelling anymore.

They all signed their names and I understood. We asked each other a few questions before they went racing off to play.

It was a lot of fun and I was excited to use some of the sign language I have known for so long. It was very rewarding. :) I love sign language.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hindi po!

While I was in Davao, a young beggar followed me to the car asking for money. Around Christmas, beggars become much more bold and persistent in their begging and this one was no exception.

Doggedly he followed me. Finally I said, "Hindi po" which means "no!"

He kept following me.

"Hindi po!" I said with a little more force.

He gave me an injured look but kept persisting.

Finally, I got to vent some of my frustration and sarcasm on him, "what about Hindi po do you not understand?!"

He got the point that time.

It's opening!

I have started giving my continuities my cell phone number so they can text me when they're in labor. This morning I got a text from one of them. It said, "gonna check if the baby's way out is already open cause it's getting painful and painful every hour."

I have heard the "down there" called many things, but this one is probably most literal and most cute! I love it! :-) hopefully in a few hours I'll be reporting a new little baby in the world!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Real Update...

You've probably noticed that I haven't had a "real" update in a while. There has been a reason for that. I have been under incredible stress and relationship issues. There is an intern here who I have a hard time trying to get along with and I feel as if she and I have been at each other's throats constantly. Well, it's actually been more of her at my throat while I try to figure out what I did wrong...again... (Note: I have not been completely faultless, but most of the time, I'm wondering what I did wrong again.) It's been very hard. However, God has been using it for good (at least, I hope it is for good!). Because I have been dealing with this every day, I haven't had much energy to write much. Please pray that our issues will be resolved soon. If they don't resolve (which is a good possibility) she leaves in 10 more days (yes, I've been counting) and I leave in 15 (I've been counting that one too) and we don't have to see each other again.

The other reason is that my laptop has been dead off and on. Thankfully it is working right now, but it's a pain to type on an iPod so the blog has been silent.

There are two new interns and so the amount of births each of us attend has slowed down. I hope to attend at least a few more before I go! :-D

My vacation was amazing! I was sad when it ended. I went to Singapore for 5 days and walked constantly. It was wonderful getting to meet a fellow Swineherd (inside joke from the online class we took together) and her family. I was shocked by how different Singapore was from Manila - for instance, no one smiles. No one. Well, the Americans do, if they're fairly new to the area. But other than that, no one smiles at strangers. It was really weird. Even if they were staring at you and you caught them, they wouldn't smile and sometimes wouldn't look away. Unnerving.

After that I went to Davao for 5 days. That trip was really relaxing and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved getting to stay with the Bartel family and playing with their kids. Then I visited Karissa and observed the night shift at Mercy. There were a grand total of 8 births during the shift. It was crazy! :-D

Ok, I need to go now. We are having a going away party for Karissa and I (since we both leave in the next two weeks) with cake and pancit. It supposedly starts in a few minutes and the midwives, knowing that, are starting to complain about being hungry. LOL. :-D

It's great to be back at Shiphrah and I also can't wait to return to the States in 2 more weeks! :-D

Davao - a post in pictures

Here are pictures from my vacation to Davao. It was really peaceful and I had a ton of fun staying with the Bartels and their very energetic four kids. Their youngest, Katherine, is Joy Anna's age (younger by three days) and liked me immediately. In fact, she came into my room at 5am my first morning there, and was excited to clamber onto the bed and play with me, before I eagerly ushered her out. She was a definite hoot!

I really enjoyed my stay there and wish I didn't have to wait several more years to see them again. :-(

Enjoy the (tons of) pictures I took!

it's fun getting your picture taken with a half-naked statue at Crocodile Park! :-D

it was great getting to see Karissa again! - Sorry, I have no idea why the picture won't get any larger...

once again, getting my picture taken at a tourist spot

...I hate snakes...

Ryan and Grace demonstrate the proper way to ride a fake elephant

the monkeys stared at us as if we were the exhibit, not them!

Ryan was proud of the butterfly which landed on his shirt

this old man was designing beautiful beaded jewelry

a native house 

when we went to Paradise Island, Katherine wasn't too sure of the sand...

the ocean is beautiful in Davao!

mother and daughter


Katherine decided she loved the beach - she'd go in and sit down and play. She was also very popular on the island - a Korean family fell in love with her and played with her while a Filipino family let her sip out of their drinks - much to Mrs. Bartel's chagrin... 

these two buried themselves in the sand then took a nap


"Look! I'm a mummy!"

I ordered a durian frappe, expecting them to make it as a durian shake but they added coffee to it. I didn't like it so much ...

...but Katherine loved it! She drank over half of it for me... I stole it back to drink the whipped cream, though!

the tall building on the island is Marco Polo hotel, where Dad and I stayed when we were in Davao, four months ago


this building looks like the Capital, from the Hunger Games

this boat was our transportation to and from the island

Maggie being silly :-D

the Bartel kids, looking so perfect

...lol...not really!

my little buddy!

Maggie and Winston

the Bartels family - I offered to take a family photo for their next prayer card so they all piled on one motorcycle for fun :)