Saturday, November 10, 2012

More Pictures!

This little lady was born via cesarean section because she was legitimately too big to be born vaginally (and trust me, we tried everything to get this kid to come down and out!) - she was a whopping 10lb!

the mother texted me after the baby was born and asked if I'd be the kiddo's godmother. How sweet!

me with Jennifer (the mom) and her baby

isn't this little dude adorable?! He's Jennifer's son

your daily dose of Mimi!

I saw Lloyd and his family again and of course had to take a picture of little David. Isn't he precious?

Lloyd with David

I went to church with Lloyd and his family and afterward he introduced me to everyone he knew. In this picture is a Filipino military commander (don't remember the rank...), a young soldier about to be deployed as a peacekeeper in Israel,  Lloyd, and the pastor.

balut! Balut is duck embryo which has been hardboiled and is considered a delicacy. It tastes like a regular hardboiled egg, but it's crunchy! We made a video of us interns trying it which I'll try to upload later. :-D

this is my fiftieth catch here at Shiphrah

getting dried off

isn't he adorable?

me and Mariel

the "gang" - we were goofing off tonight and ended up taking this picture. It was fun. :-D

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