Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gustafson Family

The Gustafsons help run both Shiphrah Birthing Home and the Little Children's Home. I offered to take their family photos and we set a date to do it. Then one of their kids was sick. So we set it for the next week. But a different kid was sick. So we set it for a few days later. Guess what? Now I was at a birth...

This happened over the course of several weeks until finally it was my very last week in the Philippines so I said, "We need to do this now!" Deborah said we could try for right after prenatals, so the moment prenatals were finished on Tuesday, I raced over to their house with my camera and we did their photos. That was the fastest I have ever processed photos afterward and they had their copy of the photos that night. It was a whirlwind of craziness! But it was fun. :-D

Here are (just a few) of my favorite photos from the shoot. Enjoy! (Also, if you want to schedule a photo shoot with me, please contact me! I'm  looking to expand my doula and photography business. For more information: http://risingdawnservices.weebly.com/)

Oh - one more thing - I just looked at the photos after Blogger posted them and Blogger puts some sort of distort on them so they are grainy and fuzzy...Not sure why/how that happened, but the photos are much nicer than Blogger shows! Sorry about that!

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