Thursday, September 27, 2012

Photo Update

Hi Everyone!

Because my laptop is working now, I can *finally* upload pictures to the blog! Because so much has been going on, I'll just tell what's happening in each photograph. :-D

proud daddy showing off his new baby. This is their second child. Their first was premature, born at six months gestation, and died so this family was beyond thrilled with their precious bundle. :-D

Mom in labor at 1am

the baby's finally born (4:30am)!

proud mom and tired baby

mom meeting her baby for the first time

new family marveling over the miracle of life

this old man lives at the bottom of the hill and I pass him almost every time I walk by. He always smiles and waves so I asked him one day if I could take his picture. His smile got even wider and he asked me to wait a sec, then went racing off to find his hat hollering, "American taking picture! American taking picture!" After I took the picture, he gave me a high five. :-D

Jeri brought Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin to Shiphrah with her when she got back from the States and I read it. This is a drawing I made when I was (supposed to be) studying. It's based off the picture from the book (top right).

Abby took this picture of me and Claire and titled it "The Hobbit and the Ent." I've  become pretty tired of people calling me a giant but being called an Ent is rather new and fun. LOL. :-D

Ate Lyds and her daughter Renlyds at a birth day party

Jollibee hosted a birth day party at Shiphrah. Here, he poses with Cuya Ephron, Ate Lyds' husband

several of the midwives kids and staff pose with Twirlie after a birthday party. From left: Claire (in Ate Dina's arms), Ate Dina, Johannah, Twirlie (the princess in the middle), MaiMai (in Ate Helen's arms), Maybel, and Ate Helen

clowining around - notice Ate Grace's face in the back right. LOL. :-D

new family falling in love with their new baby

jeepney! Notice the drawings on the side - most jeepneys are rather brightly painted with anything from religious icons and phrases to princesses to portraits of the driver's family. They're fun to look at. :-D 
Ate Maryvick was checking for lice in Ate Helen's long, gorgeous hair. They thought it funny I was taking a picture.

Ate Maryvick: I got one!

Last week I babysat the Gustafson kids over night. It was a lot of fun.

The Heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of His hands. - Psalm 19:1

after church on Sunday, we went to see some 3,000 year old petroglyphs at the top of this mountain. This is one of the highest points in Manila. In the distance is the sea. 

3,000 year old petroglyphs. These certain ones I took a picture of are believed to show birth as they look like women squatting

mega mall - a really (like REALLY) long mall with five floors where I got my laptop fixed. It's a lot of fun to explore.

Ana, my young companion who came with me to Mega Mall. She was adopted by an Australian family many years ago and is coming back to visit her home country. They were visiting the Gustafsons and went with us to church and the petroglyphs but all she wanted to do was go shopping. I offered to take her to Mega Mall with me so she could do some shopping and she flipped at the idea. For those who know my family, she reminded me a LOT of Grace. It was crazy and we had a blast. :-D

a very proud family :-D

Claire's a goose 
look at that smile!

sweet heart!

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