Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Yesterday, one of my COCs had her second baby. While she was pushing, she looked at Ate Bhel, the midwife, and cried, "I can't push and have this baby without fundal pressure!" (Fundal pressure is a big thing out here which doctors do all the time. However, it's not very good for mom or baby.)

Ate Bhel tried to assure her that everything was ok and that she was pushing superbly but the mom insisted. So finally, Ate Bhel placed her hand on the mom's belly without putting any pressure. The mom responded, "that's not how the doctor did it!"

"Well the way I'm doing it is better," Ate Bhel replied.

The next contraction, with Ate Bhel's hands just lightly resting on the mom's tummy, the baby came shooting into the world.

Giving me a sly wink, Ate Bhel whispered, "psychological."

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