Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Support Letter

Midwife for His Glory

Hi there!
My name is Danielle Wilson and in July 2012, I’m leaving for Manila, Philippines to volunteer as a missionary midwife at a charity birth center for five months. Ever since I was really young (like eight or nine), I’ve felt that God has called me to missions and now I’m finally getting to see His plan for that! I am also passionate about midwifery and love to help women throughout their pregnancy and birth. Right now, I am a doula but am in the process of becoming a midwife.

Where am I going?
I am going to intern at Shiphrah Birthing Home, a charity birth center near Manila, Philippines. Shiphrah was established in 1990 to help pregnant women and their families have a safe pregnancy and birth. Jeri Gunderson, the founder of Shiphrah, wrote, “At Shiphrah we offer dignified, safe, and caring birth to marginalized women and their families who come from the many poor communities in our area.” Altogether, over 9,000 babies have been born at the center and many more women and their families have been served.

How Can You Help?
Leaving to be a missionary is extremely daunting and scary, even though I know this is what God has called me to do. I will definitely need prayer! Another way you can help is to support me. Since Shiphrah is a charity birth center, they request that interns donate $850 for each month they stay. Also, I’ll need to pay for plane tickets, a visa, food, and personal expenses. Altogether, I’ll need a little more than $6500, about $1400 a month. Please pray about supporting me as I serve in the Philippines.

Prayer Requests:
·         For all my expenses to be covered before I leave…
·         That I’d be a blessing while I’m there
·         For the women who come to give birth
·         That God would give me the courage to share His love with others

Contact Info:
Danielle Wilson

Mission Statement of Shiphrah: We exist to enjoy the love and mercy of Christ with impoverished women and their families, children born and unborn, celebrating together the full value of their lives, building together toward the future.

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