Monday, May 30, 2016

Two More Days!

I probably should have updated sooner, but life has been crazy these past few weeks. Anyway, I leave Wednesday for Manila! I'm so excited!

Three weeks ago, I graduated nursing school and last week I passed the NCLEX, making me Danielle Wilson, RN! It's been two years since I've just relaxed and not had to study, so it's been really weird not having to study this past week. Thankfully, I've been able to hang out and have fun with my family. I've included a few photos from graduation. I was so honored that Aunt Carole, the only other nurse in the family, was able to fly to North Carolina to pin me. (And thanks to my grandpa for taking these photos!)

(Most of) my family. Grace and Joshua are not pictured

If y'all could be praying for safety with traveling and also that I will be somewhat comfortable on the planes (my knees are usually pressed into the seat in front of me because my legs are so long...) that would be fabulous.

Next time I post, I'll be in Manila!

Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations again sweetie - I'll be praying for you!
