Thursday, April 28, 2016

Guess What?! I'm Going Back!

It's been four years, but this summer, I'm heading back to the Philippines again for the month of June. I'll be working with Shiphrah Birthing Home again and am so excited!

When I left in November 2012, I promised myself and the midwives that I would return when I finished nursing school. Well, I'll graduate nursing school in two weeks (Hallelujah! Praise Jesus!), then I'll hopefully take the NCLEX (nurse licensing exam) at the end of May. My tentative departure date for Manila is June 1 and I'll stay until July 12, or so, giving me one week to readjust to North Carolina's time zone before starting my new job in the Emergency Department in Pinehurst. Busy? Yes! Am I excited? You betcha!

I know it's a little last-minute, but I just wanted to make a quick post about how you can get involved. I still need to raise about $2000 and am hoping to do that through my photography. Over the last few years, my business, Rising Dawn Services, has grown and improved so now I am a very good portrait photographer (if I do say so myself... Oh wait, I do...). I don't like to straight-out ask for money, so if you hire me to do your photos, it's a win-win situation. You get the gorgeous photos you've always wanted while I get funds to go back to Shiphrah Birthing Home. I'll be taking photography clients up until the last week of May, or so. Please check out my portfolio and photography information on my website:

Another way you can get involved is to pray. Pray for me, Shiphrah Birthing Home, the amazing midwives and staff there, and for the moms, newborns, and families we care for.

So basically, that's life in a nutshell and it's a busy whirlwind (nursing school...need I say more?!) but I am so excited to see what God has for me in these next few months!



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