Sunday, June 24, 2012

Getting Ready!

Hi Everyone!

I leave in two days! I can't believe that the event I have looked forward to and prayed about and hoped for is finally here! It feels so unreal.

Thank you to everyone who has donated something for Shiphrah. So far, there have been 62 onesies and about 40 blankets which have been donated. Shiphrah offers prenatal/health classes for the moms and gives out onesies, blankets, and hats as prizes for the moms who "graduate" from the classes.

Early Tuesday morning, Mom will take Dad and I to the airport where we'll begin our adventure. We will be traveling for over 24 hours (bleh...) but it will be worth it. Thursday, we will meet Jeri, the director of Shiphrah, for lunch at the birthhome with a Norwegian family who adopted a child from the orphanage connected to the birthcenter many years ago. That should be fun.

Friday morning, Dad and I fly out to Davao City. The next morning, we will meet the director of Newlife International School of Midwifery (the midwifery school I hope to attend next year) and several students and faculty members at a pier where we'll take a boat and go swimming, snorkeling, and sightseeing for the day. It should be a lot of fun getting to meet everyone in a relaxed environment. There will be a potluck lunch on a beach and everyone was asked to bring something. Since Dad and I had no idea about where/how to buy any food items, we offered to bring the napkins. So this morning, I grabbed a huge stack of napkins, stuck them in a ziplock bag and put them in my suitcase. Yes, I know. Very lame.

Then Dad will fly home July 4th and I will stay at Shiphrah. I am so excited to be able to start attending births again (Mom calls me a birth junkie...) and can't wait to see what God has in store for me! :-D

Please pray that all goes well while we are traveling. I am very much not looking forward to sitting for 15 hours in a cramped setting from Chicago to Hong Kong. Pray that my legs don't kill me (it gets incredibly uncomfortable for me to sit for more than 2-3 hours at a time).


Satisfied in Christ,
Danielle Wilson

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