Friday, June 29, 2012

Picture Blast

Dad swimming laps in the hotel pool

Look closely and see hte different book selections. :-D Interesting selection, eh?

On the back of these key chains, it says "Philippines"

Delicious bakery place Jeri told us about

Taking Daddy for a Walk

God's in His Heavens, all's right with the world

Davao International Airport

Isn't this the greatest car ever? I mean, it's purple and has colorful stickers on it!

view from our 12th floor hotel room

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Daddy took this picture around 5:15 this morning.


Hi Everyone!

Guess what?! I'm *finally* in the Philippines! I have been dreaming about and planning on visiting this country for the last three years and now I'm finally here! (Sorry for the overabundance of exclamation marks. They kinda perfectly described how I am feeling.)

After 15 hours of flying in the middle seat to Hong Kong (absolutely miserable...I'm extremely glad to not repeat that until November...) and a two hour flight to Manila, Dad and I arrived around 23:45 (Manila time) and had the joy of standing for almost an hour in customs. Then someone from the "Hotel Lounge" called a taxi for us to take to the hotel. It turns out we didn't get a regular taxi; we were in a hotel car so the driver charged an exorbitant amount (700 pesos - around $20 USD for a 10 minute taxi drive).

We didn't reach our hotel room until 1:30am. A shower has never felt so good! :-D When I came out of the shower, Dad was Skyping (yes, that is a verb, just ask me) Mom and the JJPIGs (our nickname for them) so I got to talk to them for a little while. After dropping us off at the airport, they went and got Dunkin Donuts. To read about it and see some adorable pictures, click here.

After about six hours of sleep, we woke up to eat breakfast and go visit Shiphrah. Rather than pay $30 USD a person for breakfast at the Marriott, we found the Pancake House about a 5 minute walk from the hotel where Dad and I got a delicious meal (who knew peach sauce would make a wonderful substitute for maple syrup?) for under $5 total. I think we're planning on eating there again tomorrow morning; except Dad saw the donuts at 7/11 when we bought water bottles... :-D 

Around 10:30, the hotel got a real taxi (not a hotel taxi) to take us to Tay Tay (pronounced Tai Tai) Rizal, where Shiphrah is. The trip was an hour long but the taxi driver only charged us about 700 pesos (hmm...700 pesos for an hour trip or a 10 minute trip? Something tells me we were ripped off last night. By a lot.) The driver was incredibly nice and talked part of the way there, pointing out all sorts of landmarks and areas. He told Dad that he'd love to take us wherever we need to go during our stay and to just tell the hotel we want Edgar to drive us. Sounds good to me.

(I just want to insert a quick note about the driving here. While it's supposedly not as crazy as China, India, or Kenya, the driving is kinda intimidating for me. For instance, lanes are only optional. Half the time, people are half in one lane and half in another. Also, they pass each other like crazy. I was sitting open mouthed most of the time we were in the car.)

When we reached Shiphrah, I got out of the taxi and stood up straight. Edgar (who's rather short for a Filippino, I think) laughed, "Wow! I didn't realize you're that tall!" Thanks. :-D 

Standing outside Shiphrah were Jeri, her daughter Debra, and one of her friends. It was good to finally meet Jeri! Inside the birth home, she introduced me to several midwives and the intern who is already there. The other intern, Jennifer, took Dad and I to the building next to Shiphrah which is the apartment. It's the new housing area for the interns. There we got a quick tour then we sat down and talked. Jennifer told us all about Shiphrah and what it's like and what she's learned. She won't be here too much longer, but I really like her. In fact, she already invited me to join her and her daughter to go watch Spider Man whenever it comes into theater. 

Lunch was delicious. The house helper, Helen, made rice (which I guess appears at every meal), a local currie chicken (absolutely delicious!), and green beans in a special sauce. It was a wonderful meal! Helen will be making the lunches and dinners for the interns. I'm thinking I'm going to be well-fed. :-D 

During lunch, I enjoyed talking with Jeri, Jennifer, and Jeri's friend. As we finished, several moms came in with their 1-week-olds for their check-ups. I guess last week, there was one crazy day when 5 moms came in and had their babies the same day. There are only two official birth rooms and one prenatal room, so there were two moms in one birth room, one mom in the other birth room, and two more moms in the prenatal room. It sounds crazy but a lot of fun! While I was there, I didn't actually get to see a birth room, since both were occupied. However, I'm sure to see one next week!

Tomorrow, Dad and I fly to Davao City, where we will be staying until Tuesday. I can't wait! :-D

Here's some pics I took from the trip:

Last meal in the States. Chilis has delicious burgers! This one had jalepeno and bacon

Chicago O'Hare airport

Trinket shop in Hong Kong 

Leaving Hong Kong. I personally like the light motion in this picture. :-D

Landing in Manila. Once again, the light stripes are pretty cool, in my opinion

Landing in Manila with no light motion

Bag of donations for Shiphrah. I took it over this morning but Jeri said they won't open it until I start on Tuesday. She then said I need to video one of the midwives (I don't remember her name) opening it since she'd have a good reaction at the amount of donations. Thank you to everyone who gave me onesies and blankets for the birthing home!

Sign on the birth home's wall

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Getting Ready!

Hi Everyone!

I leave in two days! I can't believe that the event I have looked forward to and prayed about and hoped for is finally here! It feels so unreal.

Thank you to everyone who has donated something for Shiphrah. So far, there have been 62 onesies and about 40 blankets which have been donated. Shiphrah offers prenatal/health classes for the moms and gives out onesies, blankets, and hats as prizes for the moms who "graduate" from the classes.

Early Tuesday morning, Mom will take Dad and I to the airport where we'll begin our adventure. We will be traveling for over 24 hours (bleh...) but it will be worth it. Thursday, we will meet Jeri, the director of Shiphrah, for lunch at the birthhome with a Norwegian family who adopted a child from the orphanage connected to the birthcenter many years ago. That should be fun.

Friday morning, Dad and I fly out to Davao City. The next morning, we will meet the director of Newlife International School of Midwifery (the midwifery school I hope to attend next year) and several students and faculty members at a pier where we'll take a boat and go swimming, snorkeling, and sightseeing for the day. It should be a lot of fun getting to meet everyone in a relaxed environment. There will be a potluck lunch on a beach and everyone was asked to bring something. Since Dad and I had no idea about where/how to buy any food items, we offered to bring the napkins. So this morning, I grabbed a huge stack of napkins, stuck them in a ziplock bag and put them in my suitcase. Yes, I know. Very lame.

Then Dad will fly home July 4th and I will stay at Shiphrah. I am so excited to be able to start attending births again (Mom calls me a birth junkie...) and can't wait to see what God has in store for me! :-D

Please pray that all goes well while we are traveling. I am very much not looking forward to sitting for 15 hours in a cramped setting from Chicago to Hong Kong. Pray that my legs don't kill me (it gets incredibly uncomfortable for me to sit for more than 2-3 hours at a time).


Satisfied in Christ,
Danielle Wilson

Thursday, June 7, 2012

(Really) Almost There!

Hi Everyone!

Guess what? I'm fully funded for my trip! Yippee! God has been faithfully providing for my needs with regard to this trip and it's been truly amazing watching Him prompt His people to help me along. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of that.

I leave in a little less than 3 weeks. I'm not nervous about living and working in the Philippines, but I'm nervous about saying good bye. I've never been away from my family for more than 48 hours and I'm scared to say good bye for 5 months. Please pray for me that God would be preparing my heart to leave and that everything will go well in that regard.

Also, I just realized that I'm bringing electronics to a very humid area without a/c. Has anyone had any experience with regard to this problem? If so, do you have any recommendations?

~ Danielle