Sunday, April 29, 2012


I just bought plane tickets!!!

I can't believe this is actually happening!

I will be flying out June 26, 2012 at 10:35am and will be landing in Manila June 27, 2012 at 11:35pm (Manila time).

I will be flying home November 15, 2012. The flight leaves Manila at 6:25am (Manila time) and landing in Raleigh at 4:45pm. Funny, because of the time changes, it will be two whole days to get to Manila, but "only" one day to get home... :-D

My dad will actually be flying out with me so that we can meet several people he wants to meet (I guess his boss' brother-in-law is a pretty influential guy in Manila...) and then tour Davao City, where I will probably go next year.

And did you realize it's almost impossible to find two tickets where you'll fly out together if you have two different return dates? For instance, my dad's flying back the first week of July but I'm not returning until November 15. It took forever to find plane tickets where we'd fly out together! What was ridiculous was that the airlines were having us fly to the same locations an hour apart from each other. Thankfully, we got that all figured out.

Due to finishing up school for graduation (May 12!!!), I haven't really been able to focus too much on my trip, but as soon as graduation's over, I'm going to be switching gears. As much as it will be hard to be gone from my family for five months, I can't wait to go experience the adventures God has for me!

Satisfied in Christ,
two women at Shiphrah Birthing Home - photo courtesy of Jeri Gunderson

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Navy Seals of the Birth World

There's a young midwife's blog I've been following, since she's at Newlife International School of Midwifery, the school I hope to attend in 2013, and the other day she posted this comment that I thought was really interesting:

"Someone recently told me that midwives are the female version of Navy SEALS... I'd have to agree." - Lindsy Stanley

She points out that midwives are responsible for the lives of two individuals and have to make decisions under pressure fast. I had never thought of that correlation before. To read the rest of her post:

Anyway, I leave for Shiphrah in two months!!!!! I am getting SO excited!!! I can't wait to go back to the role of midwife's assistant! While being a doula was awesome, I also felt like my hands were tied, so I'm really looking forward to Shiphrah!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hi Everyone!

After I sent out my support letter (so if you haven't received it yet, you should soon), I realized that I forgot to put something on the letter...

I'm planning on doing occasional e-mail updates with prayer requests and stuff, so if you're interested in receiving those, please e-mail me at and send me your e-mail address.



poor kiddo had a rough landing... picture courtesy of Jeri Gunderson