Friday, June 17, 2016

Picture Time!

Things have been extremely busy here at Shiphrah! In fact, it's been almost a week since I've had the opportunity or ability to leave the birth center because we've been averaging 1-2 births a day and have lots of prenatals every day! Tomorrow, I'm taking the day off to go to church, rest, and get caught up on sleep. Except for whatever reason, I'm starting to have difficulty sleeping. It's probably just the stress of the last few weeks (nclex, need I say more? Lol) catching up to me.

Last Friday, we had another neonatal code. The baby was having late decelerations and his mom was having difficulty stretching to "free" him. The heart beat kept dropping lower and lower, finally reaching the 70s. When he was born, we instantly jumped into resuscitation. This time, I was very calm and could clearly think through what needed to be done. After the midwives gave several rescue breaths, I listened to the hear beat for 6 seconds and heard 6 beats, meaning a heart beat of 60. I instantly began chest compressions and we continued the code for another 10 minutes until the babybegan to breath on his own. During that time, Deborah was called and she helped us assess and stabilize the baby. Thankfully, baby is ok now and is healthy!

Enjoy the pictures!

This picture makes me happy since Ate Bhel, Ate Dolor, and I had been up all night helping with two births. While we were doing postpartum checks until 4am, one of the new dads went to KFC and bought us a late night snack. It was very ma sarap!


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